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Release Timeline

Releases are created on an as-needed basis. Milestones are the Issue Tracker are used to track features to be included in upcoming releases.

Creating Releases

  1. Choose the next version number, referred to as {VERSION} for the rest of the instructions. ProxyStore versioning follows semver (major.minor.patch) with optional PEP-440 pre-release/post-release/dev-release segments. Major/minor/patch numbers start at 0 and pre-release/post-release/dev-release segments start at 1.
  2. Update the version in pyproject.toml to {VERSION}.
  3. Commit and merge the version updates/changelogs into main.
  4. Tag the release commit and push (typically this is the commit updating the version numbers).
    $ git tag -s v{VERSION} -m "ProxyStore Extensions v{VERSION}"
    $ git push origin v{VERSION}
    Note the version number is prepended by "v" for the tags so we can distinguish release tags from non-release tags.
  5. Create a new release on GitHub using the tag. The title should be ProxyStore Extensions v{VERSION}.
  6. Official release:
    1. Use the "Generate release notes" option and set the previous tag as the previous official release tag. E.g., for v0.4.1, the previous release tag should be v0.4.0 and NOT v0.4.1a1.
    2. Add an "Upgrade Steps" section at the top (see previous releases for examples).
    3. Review the generated notes and edit as needed. PRs are organized by tag, but some PRs will be missing tags and need to be moved from the "Other Changes" section to the correct section.
    4. Select "Set as the latest release."
  7. Unofficial release: (alpha/dev builds)
    1. Do NOT generate release notes. The body can be along the lines of "Development pre-prelease for V{VERSION}."
    2. Leave the previous tag as "auto."
    3. Select "Set as a pre-release."